- Exp. 2026
Ph.D. in Astronomy & Astrophysics
The University of Chicago
- Dec. 2022
M.S. and M.Phil. in Astronomy (en route)
Yale University
- Dean's Emerging Scholars Fellowship
- Transferred to UChicago post-candidacy
- Dec. 2018
B.A. in Physics (with honors, concentration in Astronomy)
Northwestern University
- Thesis: Exploring the Eclipsing Binary Yield of the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope with Prof. Aaron Geller (PDF)
- Minor in Earth & Planetary Sciences
Research Experience
- 2022 - Present
Graduate Research Assistant
The University of Chicago
- Theory/computation and observation; advisors: Profs. Andrey Kravtsov and Hsiao-Wen Chen
- Focusing on star formation and the baryon cycle in dwarf galaxies.
- 2019 - 2022
Graduate Research Assistant
Yale University
- Departments of Astronomy and Physics, advisors: Profs. Laura Newburgh and Pieter van Dokkum
- Observational, extragalactic and cosmology research using data from the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME) and the Dragonfly Telephoto Array.
- 2019
Research Assistant
Margutti Group, Northwestern University
- X-ray duration-luminosity phase space; advisor: Prof. Raffaella Margutti
- Worked on comprehensive review of soft X-ray transients and variables to define discovery space for upcoming missions and generate a resource to allow for initial, qualitative classification of transient signals.
- 2017 - 2019
Vera Rubin Observatory Intern
Northwestern University
- Time-domain astronomy, simulations; advisor: Prof. Aaron Geller
- Created a Galactic simulation to determine a new minimum prediction for Rubin Observatory’s eclisping binary yield over its ten-year run.
- Summer 2018
Visiting Undergraduate Researcher
Newburgh Lab, Yale University
- Experimental cosmology research, instrumentation; advisor: Prof. Laura Newburgh
- Examined the feasibility of using drones for calibration and beam-mapping of static Hydrogen Intensity and Real-time Analysis eXperiment (HIRAX) – and CHIME – dishes.
- 2016 - 2017
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Micro-X Lab, Northwestern University
- High-energy astroparticle physics, instrumentation; advisors: Prof. Enectali Figueroa-Feliciano, Dr. David Goldfinger, and Dr. Antonia Hubbard
- Primarily worked on Transition Edge Sensors and simulated the helium consumption of the lab’s dewars in advance of sounding rocket launch.
- Spring 2016
Undergraduate Research Volunteer
Nealson Lab, University of Southern California
- Environmental microbiology, geological sciences; advisors: Prof. Ken Nealson, Dr. Casey Barr
- Intended as training for planned research in environmental microbiology scheduled to be carried out at the Jet Propulsion Lab, Pasadena, CA, Summer 2016. In addition to setting up electrochemical tests, general biology lab experience – making plates, mixing media, isolating samples for re-plating, organizing and cataloging chemical shelves, etc.
Teaching Experience
- 2023 - Present
CCTL (Senior) Graduate Fellow
Chicago Center for Teaching and Learning, The University of Chicago
- Develop and deliver instruction and programming related to teaching and pedagogy at the University of Chicago.
- 2020 - 2022
Lead Instructor
Yale Young Global Scholars, Yale University
- Design and implement seminars about astrophysics and the history of astrophysics targeted at advanced high school students (e.g., “Introduction to Extragalactic Astrophysics” and “Astronomy Sans the White Dudes”.)
- Invited to deliver sample seminar for new instructors, “Introduction to Extragalactic Astrophysics,” at YYGS Spring Training (March 5, 2022). Included analysis of seminar design and presentation.
- Evaluations: 2020, 2021, and 2022
- 2022
Certificate of College Teaching Preparation
Poorvu Center for Teaching & Learning, Yale University
- Meets the requirements for CIRTL Associate, as well.
- 2019 - 2021
Graduate Teaching Fellow
Yale University
- ASTR 110: Planets & Stars with Dr. Michael Faison, Fall 2019 (4.6/5.0)
- ASTR 170: Introduction to Cosmology with Prof. Priya Natarajan, Spring 2020 (N/A due to COVID-19)
- ASTR 110: Planets & Stars with Dr. Michael Faison, Fall 2020 (4.7/5.0)
- ASTR 255/PHYS 295: Research Methods in Astrophysics with Prof. Héctor Arce, Fall 2021 (4.1/5.0)
- 2019 - 2020
Teaching Assistant
Yale Summer Program in Astrophysics, Yale University
- Mentor students in their research projects, aid with assignments (both in a tutoring capacity and a grading one), and serve as telescope Time Allocation Committee (TAC). During Summer 2019, oversaw/ran nightly observing sessions at the Leitner Family Observatory and Planetarium.
- Winter 2019
Department of Physics & Astronomy, Northwestern University
- Graded assignments for Physics 330-2 (Classical Mechanics) with Prof. Nathaniel Stern, Winter 2019.
- 2017 - 2019
Peer-Guided Study Group Facilitator
Academic Support and Learning Advancement (Searle Center for Advancing Learning & Teaching), Northwestern University
- Led small group sessions supplemental to general physics courses. Worked with Prof. David Taylor’s and Prof. Art Schmidt’s classes for Fall 2017 and Prof. Deborah Brown’s classes Winter 2018 to Spring 2019.
- Selected to serve on student panel at annual ASLA New Faculty Workshop (September 21, 2018) and returning student leader panel at annual Peer Leader Training (September 26, 2018).
- 2017 - 2019
N’Cat Tutor
Northwestern Athletics, Northwestern University
- Tutored student athletes in physics, astronomy, math, music, and earth science courses. Worked both one-on-one and with groups.
- Spring 2018
Learning Assistant
Searle Center for Advancing Learning & Teaching, Northwestern University
- Attended all lectures and discussions to provide TA-like support to students during introductory physics class. Participated in Prof. Zosia Krusberg’s Physics 135-3 pilot of the Learning Assistant program.
Accepted Proposals
- 2025A
Star formation in low-mass dwarf galaxies with CGM constraints
Magellan/IMACS (Submitter/Co-I; PI: Chen)
- Graduate students are not able to PI Magellan proposals at UChicago, so “submitter” indicates primary responsibility.
- 2025A
The star formation-ISM-GCM connection in dwarf galaxies
MMT/Binospec (Submitter/Co-I; PI: Strom)
- Primarily responsible for proposal.
- 2024A
Completing a Southern sky sub-sample of representative dwarf galaxies as a test of the baryon cycle
Magellan/IMACS (Submitter/Co-I; PI: Chen)
- 2023A
Elucidating galaxy quenching in low-mass dwarfs
Magellan/IMACS (Submitter/Co-I; PI: Chen)
- Cycle 30
Elucidating galaxy quenching with absorption probes of halos around low-mass dwarfs
HST AR-17049 (PI)
- 2022A
A galaxy apparently formed by star formation in massive, extremely dense clumps of gas
Keck LRIS + KCWI (Co-I, PI: van Dokkum)
- 2021B
Radial velocities of low mass galaxies from broad slit spectroscopy with LRIS
Keck LRIS (Co-I; PI: van Dokkum)
- 2020A
A nearby globular cluster-rich ultra diffuse galaxy
Keck LRIS + KCWI (Co-I; PI: van Dokkum)
Observing and Computing Experience
- 52 nights
Dragonfly Telephoto Array
- 2 nights
- 2 nights
- 4 nights
- 1 night
- 2 nights
- 2022 - Present
Midway High Performance Computing Cluster
The University of Chicago
- 2020 - 2022
Cedar High Performance Computing Cluster
Compute Canada
- 2017 - 2019
Quest High Performance Computing Cluster
Northwestern University
Selected Honors and Awards
- 2025
- K. Patricia Cross Future Leaders Award, AAC&U
- 2024
- Quad Fellowship by IIE (UChicago PSD News)
- Audience Choice Award, UChicago 3-Minute Thesis Competition (Video)
- 2023
- WGAP Fellowship, IAU North American Regional Office of Astronomy for Development
- Alternate + Honorable Mention, NAS Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship
- 2022
- NASA Illinois Space Grant Consortium Graduate Fellowship
- Honorable Mention, NAS Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship
- 2021
- Honorable Mention, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program
- 2019
- Dean’s Emerging Scholars Fellowship, Yale University
- Honorable Mention, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program
- 2017
- DAAD Research Internship in Science and Engineering
- NASA Illinois Space Grant Consortium Undergraduate Fellowship
- 2015
- Fulbright Summer Institute (USC Dornsife News)
- HERLead (formerly ANNpower)/Vital Voices Grant (Chicago Sun-Times)
- USC Academic Achievement Award
- 2014
- HERLead/Vital Voices Grant
- HERLead Leadership Forum Fellow
- USC Deans and University Scholarships
- USC Thematic Option Honors Program
- USC Resident Honors Program
- Bruce Fishkin Scholarship (Chicago Tribune)