Note that twiddles are placed after quantities to preserve the efficacy of sorting.
Name RA Dec Dist (Mpc) log Mstar/M Age (Gyr) [M/H] Reff (kpc) log sSFR/yr-1 log MHI/M Environment References
Cetus 00:26:11.0 -11:02:40 0.775 6.3~ 11.3 -1.9 0.36 (McConnachie & Irwin 2006) likely backsplash (Teyssier et al. 2012; Buck et al. 2019) Whiting et al. (1999); Monelli et al. (2010b)
Tucana 22:41:49.6 -64:25:10 0.9~ 6.3~ 11.6 -1.9 0.2 (Saviane et al. 1996) no detection likely backsplash (Teyssier et al. 2012) Lavery (1990); Lavery & Mighell (1992); Monelli et al. (2010c)
KKR 25 16:13:47.6 +54:22:16 1.93 7~ 1~ -1.5~ 0.6~ -10.7~ 4.9 isolated Makarov et al. (2012)
KKs 3 02:24:44.4 -73:30:51 2.12 7.36 1~ -1.6~ 0.725 5.04 isolated Karachentsev et al. (2015); Sharina et al. (2018)
COSMOS-dw1 10:00:30.03 +02:08:59.47 22 6.38 0.9 -1.577 0.45 <-11.8 6.69 (Pan et al. 2024) isolated Polzin et al. (2021)
dw0910+7326 (Blobby) 09:10:13.45 +73:26:19.15 3.21 6.98 10 -1.2 0.790 <-9.5 backsplash Casey et al. (2023)
UGC 5205 09:44:07.2 -00:39:30 21~ 8.5 0.1-0.3 -1.9 ≲-10.5 8.54 dwarf-dwarf interaction Kado-Fong et al. (2024)
dw1322m2053 (Hedgehog) 13:22:46.88 -20:53:55.94 2.41 5.8 5-7 0.176 <-10 <6 possibly backsplash Li et al. (2024)
Sculptor A 01:08:30.8 -36:03:52.9 1.35 4.7 0.110 <-10.7 <5.3 isolated Sand et al. (2024)
Sculptor B 01:06:50.9 -35:04:39.0 2.48 5.1 0.245 <-10.4 <5.8 possibly backsplash Sand et al. (2024)